Monday, 4 January 2016

How to ... Achieve your goals

So ... were four days in . How are we all doing ? As long as nobodies in prison for murdering the annoying woman who sat right next to you eating that chocolate bar while you tried desperately to love the fruit pot in front of you that you swore four days ago you'd eat for lunch everyday ... I think we're doing okay ;)

Picking the right new years resolutions for you is an important task, you have to evaluate what you want to improve in yourself or your life and then find a way to do it .. but that's all relatively easy compared to actually sticking to the goals as I'm sure most of you have realized ... every single year.. at least three times over ! But I'm feeling very enthusiastic for the new year and the fresh start that comes with it and am determined to make a lot of positive changes ! So I've put together a list of tips to help sticking to those new years resolutions just that lil bit easier :)

Tip #1

Grab a friend 

You're far more likely to stick to something if you're not doing it alone, whether you share how it's going with regular online updates for your followers ( I've seen a lot of great bloggers do monthly goal review posts ) or you force a mate to sign up to the gym with you . Don't do it alone ! If you feel like you're going to let someone else down as well then you're way less likely to back out .

Tip #2

Equipt yourself 

Its the January sales, you can afford to give yourself a post Christmas treat. So instead of heading to Thorntons for half price chocolate Santas, go and get yourself a healthy cook book or the yoga mat you need or even some nice skincare products in the sale ! Get whatever you need to get started with you goals, it will make you a lot more excited to start if you feel ready :) 

Tip #3

Make an action plan 

It's easy enough to say what you want but how are you ever expecting to achieve it if you don't actually make a plan of how you're going to get there and start doing it ! Sit down and write down each goal for the year and underneath write what you're going to do to achieve it ( I did this in my new years resolution post ). Breaking things down into little steps makes them much less intimidating because they seem more attainable ! Perhaps even set a treat to give yourself when you complete a mini step towards your goal . 

Tip #4 

Dust yourself off and go again  

Not everything turns out perfect the first few goes but having one sneaky piece of chocolate doesn't mean the whole world is over and you can't do anything about it until January 1st next year , everyday is a fresh start, this one is just more highlighted and a great opportunity. So use it but don't be afraid to pick yourself up and start again if it slips up :) 

I hope these are at least a little helpful in keeping on track ! I'd love to hear your tips and tricks for achieving your new years goals in the comments and let me know yours are going . 

Stay Strong <3 Stay Smiley :) 

Lots of love, Marianne xxx


  1. Woot woot! Goals 101! Haha! I think #4 is an important tip because truth be told, it's going to be difficult but as long as we can learn and grow this year, even if we fail, I think it will be okay <3

    xx Bash | Hey Bash | bloglovin'


    1. I agree it can be hard to accept when you fail, pick yourself up , look at what you did wrong and work out how to do it better tomorrow :)

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  2. I really appreciate your posts so much, thank you for the motivation and inspiration my dear! xxxxx

    1. Thank you that really means a lot :)

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  3. It is really important to try again if it didn't work out the first time. Some people give up too easily :) Great tips.

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

    1. I completely agree it's so easy to go that didnt work ... oh well I'll try again in 364 days , and you just can't live your life that way :)

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  4. Great tips! Though getting a friend to jump on board may not always work if both of you lack motivation :P hahaha

    ~Andrea Tiffany~

    1. I think it could work if you both don't want to mess up because it will ruin it for the other friend :)

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  5. Technically, I started my resolutions just before the new year and they've been going well so far. Although, I am already lacking motivation!

    One World, Too Many Pages (formerly TheDonkeyInvasion)

    1. Aww it can be hard to keep motivated but I'm certain you're doing brilliantly ! Maybe we'll have to get a motivation quotes post up to keep everyone going hehe :)

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  6. This has helped me so much Marianne! I am smiling ear to ear right now because I haven't been on your blog for a long time, you have improved your blog so much, well done! I will be coming back here all the time now! I'm a part of a Google+ blogging community called Beau Bloggers and I'm sure we would all love to have you in our community. It's private but we will allow you to come if you ask. It absolutely fine if you don't want to join but I think you would be perfect for it.
    <3 Catherine

    1. Thank you so so much Catherine, you don't know how much that means to me, I've worked so so hard to make my blog something to be proud of that will help myself and other be happier :) That sounds wonderful thank you so much, I'd love to be a part of that :)

      Lot of love, Marianne xxx

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi,
    Great blog post idea! These tips are really handy and hopefully with the help of your tips I will actually achieve a new year's resolution for once!
    Have a good day!
