Thursday, 21 January 2016

Time To Detox

Helllooo !

I'm in an excellent mood because I've just come from a really good singing lesson and it's made me realise just how much happier I've been lately. But why ? I wondered for a while what on earth could I have done to make this much of a change. Then I realized that I'd been detoxing my life and I'm at the happiest I've been in .. way more years than I care to remember ! So I thought I'd just write a short post about how I've got to this point :)

As many of you know my boyfriend and me separated after two and a half years, a few months ago and for me this marked a fresh start to finally be myself and love who I love and suddenly as things began to come into light I naturally began to focus on the things in life that make me happy. I began to move things around. I stopped going to debating club and joined creative writing, I spent more time focusing on my french, I made a bucket list. I wore clothes I love but was always afraid to wear because I thought they were too " Quirky " . 

Bit by bit and somehow all at once I began to feel so, so much happier and when you start to feel happier you realize you deserve to feel that good all the time. I was adding more and more things into my life, simple, easy things that made so much of a difference and then it struck me. I could be even happier if I got rid of all the unnecessary toxic things and people in my everyday life that made me less than happy because what reason did I have to keep them ? So I detoxed. EVERYTHING. I switched my meals from junk to more healthy energizing options. I gradually moved away from people who made me feel bad about myself or just life in general. I began to work on accepting myself and who I am. There is no point keeping unnecessary things that don't make you happy ! It's not selfish, it's self love.  

The next step for my is, I'm going to make a list of things that make me happy and implement them into my everyday life. I might even post the list when I'm done to give you some inspiration if anybody is interested. I'm not talking massive things like going to the zoo ( as much as i would love to do that everyday hehe ) but little things like switching my shampoo to one from lush that smells really good and cheers me up in the morning or taking the time to practice piano or song write a little each day . I truly believe this will make such a big difference to my life because I've already started and I feel amazing :) 

Anyway, these are just my thoughts, what do you think ?

If you fancy trying something this week, here's a little challenge. Choose one small thing you want to do for yourself and do it ( paint your nails, start music lessons, wear cat ears ... okay maybe that last one just applies to me ). Think of something unnecessary in your life that doesn't make you happy and change it. ( hate running ? Get a membership at your local swimming pool instead or if you have that friend who's always moaning and making life seem rubbish, get rid ) and then make find something that makes you happy and find away to do it everyday !

I'm really interested to see how this works out !

Stay Strong <3 Stay Smiley :) 

Lots of love, Marianne xxx


  1. I'm so glad you're happy! :) sometimes, you just need that detox don't you?
    I did the same thing when I moved cities. Especially with people around me. Why have people around you that don't support you and pretty much make you feel like crap? I don't need that. So I started surrounding myself with more supportive people! One of the best decisions on my life :)
    Loved reading this post! You go girl!

    Xoxo Jessy

    1. Thank you that's so lovely of you to say :) You really do and that's an amazing way to do it ! It suddenly seemed so silly to let people drag me down when I realized I had other people who I loved and they loved me and made me happy, you get to a point where you realize you deserve happiness :)

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  2. Wow! That's amazing Marianne! I'm so happy that you're able to finally 'find yourself' so to speak. As great as relationships can be it's really liberating to finally do what you want rather than fear judgement from your significant other!
    Eating healthier would definitely help your mood because sugar can make anyone super cranky when they don't get their fix (not that I know from experience.............)

    Great Post!

    Lindsey Elyse | lindseyginge

    1. Thank you honey :) There comes a part where you have to realize you deserve happiness and I think it is one of the most important things I've ever done :) I've been cutting down on sugar drastically because I'm seeing how much It's affecting my mood and it's not worth that :)

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  3. That's really great to hear how you are happier now :) Im proud of you for being able to embrace who you are and to do things you like without fearing of what others would think. That's the kind of mindset we should all have. I totally agree with you, detoxing not only your diet but also your life will help you live a more fulfilled happier life. I've slowly rid my life of unnecessary stresses and it made a huge difference. I feel lighter now.
    Lovely post :) very inspirational

    ~Andrea Tiffany~

    1. Thank you so, so much :) It just happened and I loved it , sometimes you have to take a deep breath and just do it and oh my gosh was it worth it :) I definitely relate to that feeling of being lighter , it's like being free , as cheesy as that sounds :)

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  4. The fact that you're happier now has honestly made me so happy! I really like the idea of detoxing your whole life and cutting out the negativity, this is such an inspirational post xxx

    1. It's so touching how everyone has said my happiness made them happy , I think that's such a beautiful thing about humanity <3 I've never done anything that was better for myself !

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  5. So happy to hear that you feeling more content with yourself and full true happiness entered your life as well! It's so important to be happy and seek that happiness. I have been a very happy person this past year because I cut out all negativity in my life, unnecessary people, activities that made me anxious or unhappy. It does make a difference and then you start enjoying your life :) Good luck in the future with your list and I hope you will always feel happy in the future :) x

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

    1. It's so good to hear from somebody who has been doing the same thing ! Isn't it just so refreshing and almost empowering to take control of your life and take responsibility for your happiness :) I love the quote that says " You only live once, but if you do it right then once is enough " you might as well make yourself happy , toxic energy caused by things that make you anxious arn't worth it :)

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  6. Heyy, im so happy I have found your blog! I also had a really bad breakup with my boyfriend about a year ago now. Just like you I started to do things that make me happy and start living my life and saying yes! Since then I have done, experienced and met so many new things and people and I have even found love which I thought I would never do again (as cliché as that sounds) haha! Anyway, I love this post and I think your blog title is awesome... as well as my new philosophy... :) much love, silver xxx

    1. Oh I'm so happy you like it ! Sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better , I truly believe that everything happens for a reason :)You really do begin to realize how you're worth it and desserve to choose happy :) I'm really glad you've found love again <3 Thank you so much !

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  7. Great post! I've been really trying to eliminate fear and doubt from my life. I am working on filling myself with love and courage everyday. Sometimes just trying something new, speaking up or being aware of your thoughts can make a huge difference.

    1. That's a great thing to aim to do and really important ! Maybe you could right a post about how you're going about achieving that , I'd love to read it :) One thing that might help you is looking in the mirror everyday and saying " I am beautiful and I deserve happiness " Another blogger reccommended this to me in another post and it's really helpful !

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  8. What a nice post, Marianne! I always love your posts because they make me feel happier and lighter (which I know is your intention - it's working!) That's amazing that you take singing lessons, I have always wanted to! And I'm so happy to read that you're feeling happy, as well! :) Please continue to spread your happiness because it's infectious! I've loved reading this while at work :)
    Have a wonderful weekend, Marianne! Hugs xo

    -Lor //

    1. Thank you so so much ! I'm delighted to know that you;re feeling happy ! I Love my singing lessons I think I've had them since I was 9/10 years old and nothing makes me happier :) You've no idea how much this comment has made my day <3

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you ! Have a great day :)

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  10. Wow, that is absolutely fantastic! I adore your blog already!

    1. I'm so glad you like it ! Have a lovely week :)

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  11. This is such a lovely post, thank you for sharing Marianne! I love reading your posts because they are always so positive and make me smile! I'm so glad that you are happy too x

    Erin // Everything Erin

    1. I'm really happy you liked it ! Being happy is definitely something I'm enjoying hehe, I think you have to find what you need from life and understand that you're worth having it :)

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  12. What a great way to create more happiness in your life! Hmm... I'm trying to make myself live a healthier lifestyle this year, so I've signed up for the 2016 fitness challenge my school is doing, I'm taking a PE class, and I've added some Fit Club activities into my weekly schedule. I'm also trying to be more conscious of what I buy when I go grocery shopping. If I buy bad food, then I'll eat it, so I need to make sure I don't do that. Bad food tastes good, but good food tastes good too! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

    1. Thank you ! I think a healthy life style is really important to make you happier because of how much more energy you'll have ! Good luck in your fit clubs ! Yes, I've been taking a similar approach and buying in things that taste good but are healthy so that I don't give myself the option to eat unhealthy food :)

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  13. I love this, January always seems like a great time to start detoxing your life anyway.
    I've always wanted to do outfit posts on my blog but I've never really had the confidence to do it, maybe this post was the push I needed...thanks :)

    Katie |

    1. It really was a good time for it to happen ! I completely relate to that sort of feeling :) I really hope you do do some outfit posts , I'd absolutely love to see them :) If you do then let me know and I'll give you a shout out on here so that people can come and see how wonderful your blogging is !

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  14. Aw I'm so happy for you hun :-)
    It sounds like you've grown into who you are as a person and come to realize that you don't have to simply accept things as they are, you can change anything that makes you unhappy. Good for you for having the courage to detox it all, a lot of people realize the need but don't do anything about it. I hope things get better and better for you. :-)

    1. Thank you so much :) I think that;s the perfect way to decide it ! I mean, I know i'm not 100% there yet but I'm on my way and that's what matters <3 I think , yes it is scary but once I took that first step, everything has begun to fall into place with it and I'm so much happier :)

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx
