Sunday, 24 January 2016

Strangers In Cafe's | The Positivity Diaries

Hello !

This week has been a little up and down but hey, that's how life's meant to be :) So here's the good bits ! I can't wait to hear about the good things in your week in the comments :)

Monday : A lovely man ( with rather eccentric dress sense) came up to me in a cafe this morning and started randomly talking to me about how his train was early and then he noticed that I was working on college work. I told him I was struggling with college work and he said " Persist, where there's a will there's a way ".  It really made my day an gave my determination a push :)

Tuesday : Me and Georgie had a McDonald's for lunch !

Wednesday : A stranger said " Bless you " when I sneezed this morning .

Thursday : I had chocolate milkshake.

Friday : I did loads of blog planning !

Saturday : I re-organised all my college work into pretty new folders so I'm feeling much less stressed about where all my work is :)

Sunday : I got to use my lush " I Love Juicy " shampoo and oh my gosh it smells SOOO good !

I can't wait to hear about what's been good in your week in the comments, just leave a small list ( Perhaps 3 things ) of good things from your week and then we can all share the positivity !

Stay Strong <3 Stay Smiley :) 

Lots of love, Marianne xxx


  1. Hi,
    Honestly I LOVE your blog, it never fails to cheer me up when I am feeling down and it is actually my favourite.
    Three good things that happened in my week were:
    I got a business qualification
    I spent time with my family
    I am starting a positive book
    Thanks for having such a great blog!
    Have a good day,

    1. Thank you so so much, that honestly means the world to me :) Congratulations on getting a business qualification ! It's always so lovely spending time with your family, it's such an important thing to do :)

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

    2. Thank you!
      Have a good day!,

  2. It's the BEST when someone says 'bless you' after you sneeze.. I don't know why but it's just a kind gesture. I need to start keeping track of my own positivity diaries, it's so nice to read the good things that happen :)

    Lindsey Elyse | lindseyginge

    1. It really is such a lovely thing that someone took a moment of their time to do something so sweet for you :) You definitely should i always love reading through mine on a rough day !

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  3. It is so fun to read this!
    Anyway, I read that someone turned bright pink after using Lush products, they said she misused this.
    Please be careful! ^^

    1. I'm glad you liked it :) Yeah I read about that but they really badly misused the product and it was no fault of Lush's, I always read the instructions first, don't worry ! :)

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  4. Enjoyed reading this a lot! Have a lovely day!


    1. Thank you ! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

      Lots of love,Marianne xxx

  5. Awh I love it when strangers say bless you! It's such a nice gesture but more often than not know people move away from a sneezing person and say nothing in case they catch a cold or something. It's such a shame! I must try lush's shampoo sometime- I adore lush but I'm defs a tressamme addict when it comes to haircare.

    My good things?

    - I made chocolate chip waffles for the first time ever. They were SOOO good.
    - I bought two books in the oxfam bookshop and one of them is super old and it's really cool.
    - I got really lovely blog comments this week and new bloglovin' followers! #progress


    Anne x

    1. The lush shampoo is definitely worth a try , it smells so SO good and makes my hair feeling great :) Oooo chocolate chip waffles sound so good! I'd love to see a recipe post on them !! :) Aww I love getting new books and I think it's so important to keep book shops in buisness :)

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  6. I love reading your positivity diaries, please don't stop doing these!
    I'm grateful to have had a lot of good moments this week but I'm going to only share one because it's kind of long. My little sister and I were at the mall and we saw a store called "home for christmas" that had sale signs and so we stopped by. The door was closed and there was a sticky note on it saying the owner would be right back.
    My sister and I were peering through the door at the store, it was all Christmas themed and there were some very nice paintings sitting on the floor. While we were looking at the paintings an old man came up behind us and said "hi girls" and gave us the warmest smile I've seen someone give in a long time. I swear, if there was a real santa claus I'd put my money on him. He was so nice and so friendly, he let us in and told us to have a look around. My little sister has a really kind heart and she always feels bad to see old people working so she was whispering in my ear to buy something from the moment we stepped in, just because she felt it would help the nice man out. I already liked a painting so I bought it and he asked me how come I picked that one because it was his favorite. It was a painting of a snowy village and I said I just loved the scene and wished places like that still existed. He looked at me and said "you have a really unique spirit, how do you even know about these places?" He genuinely seemed so pleased and surprised that someone my age appreciated old snowy villages that I couldn't help but smile at him. He gave me his card and told me to bring my fiance with me to a shop he owns with his wife in the next state so I could meet his wife and he could meet my fiance, he told me we were going to be friends for life and he loved that I have an appreciation for the times gone by.
    He let my little sister pick out a snowflake necklace and insisted that she take it for free. He was so unbelievably kind that my little sister (who just has a truly beautiful heart) actually started crying right there in the middle of the shop, completely overwhelmed by his kindness. She's the kind of person who would've bought his whole shop if she had had the money. He gave her a hug and sent us on our way. It was one of the most unique experiences I've ever had. You just don't meet people who seem genuinely, truly kind like that anymore. I came home and looked up his shop and there were glowing reviews from people talking about how kind he and his wife are. I'm sitting here actually questioning if there may just be a Mr. and Mrs. Claus lol because they'd fit the bill. Sorry for the LONG post lol I just wanted to share the moment. I wish more people existed like that, people who make everyone feel special and approach every person from a place of love and kindness :-)

    1. Thank you so so much I'm glad you like them and I definitely plan to continue them :) Oh my gosh this story warmed my heart ! What a lovely man :) It's so so sweet that he wanted you and your fiancee to meet his wife and awww your sister sounds so sweet and it was so kind of him to give her that snowflake necklace :)

      Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  7. This is such a lovely idea! Often I don't feel well in my week so it's those lovely moments that really mean so much to me! Whether it's buying a new candle, travelling somewhere, trying a new food or doing all my old favourite things, it's worth noting them down! :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara | (doing follow for follow on bloglovin or instagram)

    1. Thank you ! It really is worth while because you have to focus on the little things because there won't always be big things but little things are really good if you focus on them :)

      lots of love, Marianne xxx

  8. Love these posts!My list:
    -Traveled a bit on Sunday and I always love a bit of traveling
    -Had a nice day out with a friend
    -Ate popcorn while watching X-Factor :D
    Don't judge me, I adore popcorn, haha :) x

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

    1. It's always nice to travel and just get away for a bit and seeing friends is so lovely :) I'm no judging don't worry hehe I think I probably eat more popcorn in a day than the average person does in a year :)

      lots of love, Marianne xxx

  9. It was a really lovely experience, people don't realise what I wonderful impact they have on you :) dressing up is always fun hehe :) I bet kids love your hair it's like thinking " Hey, that girl caught a rainbow and died her hair with it , thats cool ! " lol :)

    Lots of love, Marianne xxx

  10. I love reading this series :) it's very uplifting and it's nice reading about the good things happening in other people's lives. I find it so motivating and touching when strangers say kind words like that. To me, it means more than when a friend or someone you know says it because strangers have nothing to gain from saying nice things like that. There's no guarantee you will see them again, they don't have to say it. Which is why it means more to me when they do.
    Some things that made me happy this week was when I got to spend Sunday hanging out with my friend, we went to the art museum and spent the day walking around downtown enjoying the good weather and getting delicious food. Something else was being able to enjoy a couple hours here and there relaxing and watching Gilmore Girls, which has become one of my new favorite shows.
    Thanks for sharing your happy moments! I hope you have a wonderful day!

    ~Andrea Tiffany~
