Monday, 31 July 2017

Thank You For Your Time


I'm a little surprised to find myself writing this post and in all honesty, I'm not a hundred percent sure what to say. You are probably aware that earlier this year I decided to take a break from blogging in order to focus on my studies until my a level exams were over. I followed that announcement by asking you to complete a survey on how I could improve my blog, earlier this month. However recently I read a book that I would highly recommend called "The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k" by Sarah Knight and the book has changed my perspective on so many things, I feel lighter and clearer minded. I feel happier and more comfortable in myself and above all, I feel ready to move forward with my life.

The next few months are very exciting and slightly frightening for me. I will be moving away with my girlfriend, Starting a whole new adventure at university and working towards my future, I have discovered minimalism and veganism and I feel like I'm starting to get a sense of understanding regarding my own values and passions. Initially I was really excited to share this journey of learning and creativity with you guys and I thought it would be a fresh chapter for my blog. But then I thought ... is this what I still want ? First it was just a thought at the back of my mind and slowly I felt a need to voice it and eventually I came to the conclusion that is time to say goodbye for good to Don'tBurstMyBubble. I have been blogging for the last three years of my life and I have loved every minute of it and I appreciate the support I have been given from readers old and new. When I started blogging, I was actually quite lonely. I didn't have many friends, I didn't have very much self awareness or any passions and blogging has really helped me learn so much about myself.

When I was starting to seriously consider stopping blogging , I discussed the matter with my mum ( where else do you go when you don't have a clue ? ) and she told me something that I think is very important, " Some things have a purpose when you start doing them, but it's ok to stop when they have served their purpose" . This rang true with me, blogging has helped my become so much happier and more confident in expressing myself  but now I really feel like I'm on the path into a good place and i feel ready to just enjoy my life. So maybe it's time to let go.

So. thank you for your time. I am so, incredibly grateful for every minute you have spent reading or commenting on this blog and I hope that I've made you smile once or twice.

Stay Strong <3 Stay Smiley :)

Lots of love, Marianne xxx

P.s. It's been a pleasure.

1 comment:

  1. Marianne, I have always loved seeing your comments on my blog, as they were always so positive. You will certainly be missed in the blogging world, and thank you for sharing your story, thoughts, and dreams with all of us! You've inspired me to read this book; I might just give it a go! As for veganism - best of luck! I'm a vegetarian right now, and often thought about evolving to a vegan lifestyle.
    All the best to you :)

