What’s wrong with scared? Scared is a superpower! Your superpower! There is danger in this room. And guess what? It’s you. Do you feel it? Do you think he feels it? Do you think he’s scared? Nah. Loser!"
- The Twelth Doctor , Doctor Who, Season 8 Episode 4
As I've mentioned a few times, me and my boyfriend are working our way through the many Doctor Who episodes since the 9th doctor and we are almost there ! Last night we were watching an episode called "Listen" ( It's both terrifying and hilarious and you should probably go and watch it ) and the doctor talked a lot about fear. Recently I've been wanting to write a post about how to be nervous but I just never quote got around to it. But after re-watching this episode of Doctor Who and seeing how perfectly The Doctor and Clara ( his companion ) described fear, I was desperate to right this post as soon as possible !
A lot of new things have been happening recently like starting college and it made me very nervous , like I'm sure it made pretty much everyone else. But I tried very hard to focus on something I've learnt over the last few years . When you're nervous, ask yourself why. In my experience the answer tends to be " Because it means a lot to me ". That is why you have to do it, however nervous you are. Make a list of why you want to do it and use that fear and the adrenaline it gives you to power you forward to achieve whatever it is that means so much to you that it makes you nervous. The majority of the time, because whatever is making you nervous means so much to you it can make you feel scared that you're going to mess it up . But What would be the point of doing something if it didn't mean enough that the idea of it going wrong doesn't bother you ?
So in reality, being nervous is a good thing and you can use it to work harder and kinder and achieve everything you ever wanted . But don't let the fear scare you so much that you don't let yourself but happy and enjoy what you're doing. Accept, understand and work with the fear and know that it is just your excitement and enthusiasm to get whatever it is you're doing right , and guess what ? YOU WILL ! I believe in you :)
This is just a dream, but very clever people can hear dreams. So please, just listen. I know you’re afraid, but being afraid is alright. Because didn’t anybody ever tell you? Fear is a superpower. Fear can make you faster and cleverer and stronger. And one day you’re gonna come back to this barn and on that day you’re going to be very afraid indeed. But that’s okay, because if you’re very wise and very strong fear doesn’t have to make you cruel or cowardly. Fear can make you kind. It doesn’t matter if there’s nothing under the bed or in the dark so long as you know it’s okay to be afraid of it. So listen. If you listen to anything else, listen to this. You’re always gonna be afraid even if you learn to hide it. Fear is like a companion, a constant companion, always there. But that’s okay because fear can bring us together. Fear can bring you home. I’m gonna leave you something just so you’ll always remember. Fear makes companions of us all.
- Clara , Doctor Who, Series 8 Episode 4
Stay Strong <3 Stay Smiley :)
Lots of love, Marianne xxx
Everyone struggles with their fears, and it can stand in the way sometimes but if you find a way to move past them.. You've hit gold hehe. :) Wishing you the exact same thing, to stay strong in a world riddled with the unknown. xxxxx
I think people often feel alone when they're frightened and like it's only them and no body could ever comprehend how they feel but in reality, there are a hell of a lot of people on earth and no one is ever truly alone :) Thank you very much !
Deletelots of love, Marianne xxx
This is such a good post. I agree that moving past your fear is incredibly important and makes you grow as a person.
I'm really happy that you liked it ! :) It's really important because it helps you feel a sense of achievement when you realise you're passed it :)
Deletelots of love, Marianne xxx
I love this post! I think people are always afraid of the unknown, especially, like you said, if something is important to them or they want to make a good impression! As I've gotten older I've definitely had to learn how to use my fear and keep going, even if I'm scared. I loved this post, you always make my day when I read your blog Marianne! XO -Kim
Thank you so much I'm so glad you liked it :) I've found that the more I remind myself that the fear is good because if I wasn't nervous then it wouldn't mean anything to me and then what would be the point, then like you said, I use it as motivation to keep going :)
Deletelots of love, Marianne xxx
A lot of people look at fear as being a bad thing and in turn they run from it and the thing they are trying to achieve. So I think it is great to look at it as being a good thing! Thank you for opening my eyes to this! (:
Who knew Doctor Who episodes could be so insightful! I think I'm going to have to finally give in and watch some episodes! I saw one episode in my science fiction class last semester and I actually really enjoyed it. I think it's kind of funny how we're taught that fear is this really bad thing, and not that it can't be, but like you mentioned it can be a good thing. If there wasn't fear in the world then we would all go around doing things without thinking about them. Nervousness and Fear kind of keep your feet on the ground and help you to focus more on the world around you. Of course, no one like to feel fear or nervous because it's such a weird and uncomfortable feeling but if your not in danger then there is no reason as to why you should feel bad for it. I think you said this all so perfectly! How is college going for you so far? I'm hoping that it's going great :D I was really nervous my first year of college because I didn't really know what to expect but I actually really turned out liking it :D I thin college is so much fun! Well besides the homework and exams :p because who likes that? haha. I hope you have a lovely day ;)
I adore Doctor who ! It's actually really inspired me with it's quotes and morals ( nerd alert, sorry hehe ) you should seriously just buy series one with the 9th doctor and I promise by the end of that series you'll be addicted !... and then I'll appoligise for causing you to waste six month of your life haha :) I think if you have netflix you can get them all on there and that would be a lot cheaper than buying them ( says the girl with about £300 worth of doctor who dvd's ) :) I completely agree we need to be able to develop fear to give us chance to reflect on what were doing and why, whether it's good and that's to motivate us or it's bad and we need to think carefully and turn away :) Thank you so much for asking, that really made my day that you asked! I'm loving college ( I was pretty miserable at secondary school so I'm so grateful to be at college now, I needed a fresh start ! ) I'm getting to grips with college now although I've not quite sorted my workloads and posting blogs hence why they're going up quite late because I'm desperate to stick to my schedule andfind time to write but I think if I give myself a month I should get into a routine :)
Deletelots of love, Marianne xxx
haha no! more like (cool alert) :D in my opinion. I'll have to see if I can find it on Netflix first, then if not I look for the DVD's :D Is Doctor Who officially over or are they still making new seasons? haha okay If I don't come on the internet for a while you'll know that you did this to me haha. Aww :) Don't worry about it. I really do care about how your day went ;) I'm happy to hear that :D Quick question, if you don't mind answering it :) Is secondary school what we call high school in the U.S? I've just been really curious about that because I've heard it be said so many times and I never really knew what it was exactly haha. That's only bad thing about college, you get more workload D: but the good thing is that I'm sure you'll be able to readjust yourself in no time. How are you liking your classes so far? :)
DeleteMy sister said they were on Netflix ( I don't know if the American Netflix has the same content but it's worth a shot :) Yes the new season comes out in the uk on the 19th and I'm super excited so I wouldn't get me started on it if I was you hehe or you'll never shut me up ;) I'm pretty sure that yes it is what you call high school.. it's age 11-16 at secondary school If that helps :) Yeah but I'm managing to keep on top of it I think , I'm just excited to find the time to start making Christmas diys haha , very excited for Christmas on dontburstmybubble.... oh my gosh I should change the header to Don'tBurstMyBauble at Christmas haha ;) I'm realy liking my classes, math is hard but rewarding and English literature is definitely my favourite :)
Deletelots of love, Marianne xxx
I completely agree I always feel really empowered when I realise I'm doing something I was nervous about and that I'm doing okay and it's all going well :) It's important to do the things that make you nervous for personal development or you will just end up getting into a slump !
ReplyDeletelots of love, Marianne xxx
Thank you honey ! I'm happy you liked it :)
ReplyDeletelots of love, Marianne xxx
Great way to put it! We need to look fear in the face and recognize it. Then, figure out how it can help us move forward. I find that a big reason why I get nervous is 1. I've never experienced this thing I'm fearing before and to go with that 2. I don't know what is going to happen. Number 2 is the major reason for my nervousness in my fears. Now that I know this, I can use it to move forward whenever I have a fear knocking on my door.